
Year 2022 Editions of the Flash News Letter Are Now Online

    Lightning Flash.PNG.1                                                                                                                                                                        

For all those interested, the articles #106, #107, #108 & #109 of the Lightning Flash News Letter have uploaded to the past editions menu on the website.

To view past editions from 1991 until December 2022, you can follow the menu path as shown - Publications > Flash Past.



Or click on the web link here. PDF Image

Spanner Club Gatherings for 2023


 For all those servicing and retired RAEME bethren that want to catch up with old mates past & present.

 The Spanner Club has dates for the 2023 schedule. As per below, every 2nd Friday of the month.

 Venue - MAIL EXCHANGE Hotel (Corner of Bourke and Spencer)


 Times -  From 16:00 HRS onwards

 Dates - 

                   January 13th & 27th

                   February 10th & 24th

                   March 10th & 24th

                   April 14th & 28th

                   May 12th & 26th

                   June 9th & 23rd

                   July 14th & 28th

                   August 11th & 25th

                   September 8th & 22nd

                  October 13th & 27th

                  November 10th & 24th

                  December 8th & 22nd

Please pass on the dates to all your retired and servicing mates to ensure we have a great turn out.

Membership Invitation

The RAEME Association of Victoria is looking to increase it's current membership numbers.

To ensure the association stays valid and operational, we are asking that those that are members, help distribute the membership form.

The association needs more current serving regular & reserve soldiers,sergeant, warrant officers & senior officers to become members,

setting the example for Junior Ranks to join.

If you wish to join the association, please click on the below PDF link and download the membership form.

Details for where to send your application are on the form also.

PDF Image

RAEME Assoc. VIC Membership Form



WO1 Rod (Blades) Gillett. Retd.

Art Radar & Tels.

Arte et Marte


RAEME Association VIC - Upcoming Committee Meeting

Please be advised that the next committee meeting is scheduled for the 3rd September 2022.

This will be held at the Clayton RSL @ 12:00HRS, for those that wish to attend.


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